The perfect team – a well-balanced dish!

Creating a team is like preparing a dish. You need ingredients that complement each other and work harmoniously together in order to create a Michelin start worthy masterpiece!

So, what are the components that can help you create this chef-d’oeuvre?

Before putting the dish together, you need to have done your research on the different components. For a project to succeed it must be carefully thought out and researched. In the larger company, this role has been taken on by different parts of the organization such as marketing, research departments etc.

You need to have an ingredient that will serve as the ‘star of the show’. This element will be the glue between all individual components and lead. Similarly, in the workplace, you will need to have an individual who has strong leadership qualities, communication, and people skills. This person’s goals would be to deliver the project as well as motivate, inspire and direct others in the team.

This will bring out the textures and different flavors in your dish. In the real world, this will be the ‘team-player’. They will do whatever they can to help achieve the overall goal.

Something unexpected
What makes a good dish is the element of surprise. Similarly, you need people on your team that are creative and always try to come up with something new that will take the project one step further than anticipated.

Good plating
And last but not least … plating. In order to make the dish pop, you need to have a carefully thought our plating plant that will help your masterpiece stand out! In a team, this is the planner. He is the one in charge of planning the course of action so that the project is delivered on time. He is often in the background but without him, there will be no finished product.

So, what people do you think we should have in our team?

The more diversity you have in the team, the better the outcome!

Teamwork makes the dream work!


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